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Viddyoze Turns 8

A Look Back At The Last Year And Template Gifts For All Users!

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Login & Claim Your Templates

Further down this page you will see the stack of templates we are giving away to celebrate our 8th birthday. Please login to your account (or sign up if you are new to Viddyoze) below, to claim these.

Not got a Viddyoze account?

Thank You For Your Support

Check out the stack of templates we are giving away to all users, for free, to celebrate our 8th birthday. Enjoy using them!

Subtle Depth Product
Landscape & Portrait Versions
Discoid Logo
Landscape, Portrait & Vertical 
Landscape & Portrait Versions
Multi Fragment Floating Bubble
Vertical Version
Subtle Depth Title
Landscape & Portrait Versions
Typography Ladder
Landscape & Portrait Versions