
How Paul Uses Viddyoze To Enhance His Core E-Learning Product

The Situation

Outdated materials in e-learning? No problem… well, actually it is a problem

Paul Laville’s T21 Group creates e-learning courses to help businesses worldwide achieve their full potential through various methods such as classroom-style events, one-to-one coaching, and e-learning courses.

However, his clients often provide him with outdated PDF files and PowerPoints that need to be transformed into dynamic e-learning courses. Not cool, right?


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The Problem

Turning dull into dynamic: The challenge of creating engaging e-learning from outdated materials

It’s a real pain for Paul to turn these outdated materials into engaging e-learning courses. Plus, he wants to make his services stand out from all the other e-learning providers out there.

He knows that adding some high-quality visuals, animations, and templates to his courses could really make a difference, but he doesn’t have the resources to create them himself.

And let’s face it, the e-learning market is super competitive these days, so he needs to find a way to stay ahead of the game.

Be prepared to move beyond your comfort zone and start experimenting and see what you can get. I genuinely love the product you guys have put together for us. It’s lifted my business and what I do tremendously.

The Solution

The hero of the story: How Viddyoze came to the rescue and solved all of T21 Group’s e-learning problems

That’s where Viddyoze comes in! With Viddyoze, Paul can add all sorts of cool templates, logos, and animations to his e-learning videos. It’s a game-changer!

Now, he can create visually appealing e-learning courses that stand out from his competitors. Plus, these high-quality graphics and animations really help to increase engagement and make the learning experience more effective for his clients.

Viddyoze has been a total lifesaver for Paul and T21 Group, helping them create killer e-learning courses that businesses around the world love.

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Discover how Viddyoze can improve your business in 2024 by providing professional, high-quality video animations and templates that can enhance your brand.