
Home » Blog » 124 Statistics On Video Marketing
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124 Statistics On Video Marketing

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Editor’s Pick: Most Eye-catching Statistics

  • Online videos reach 92% of global Internet users (Source: Statista¹)
  • 91% of customers want to see more videos from the businesses they enjoy (Source: Wyzowl¹)
  • 87% of video marketers said they make a profit from their efforts (Source: Startup Bonsai)
  • Video posts on social media are shared 1200% more than text and image posts combined (Source: Market Splash)
  • 93% of brands have generated a new customer from their video content on social media (Source: Animoto¹)
  • Between 2015 and 2017, over 50,000 years of product reviews were watched on YouTube (Source: Google⁶)
  • Advertisement videos have 27.4x more clicks than traditional banner ads (Source: Instapage)
  • The average conversion rate improvement for websites using video landing pages is 80% (Source: Business2Community and EyeViewDigital)


General Video Marketing Statistics

1. Video is used as a marketing tool by 86% of companies, and that percentage is increasing each year

Source: Hubspot¹

2. According to 92% of marketers, video provides the best return on investment for their marketing campaigns

Source: Wyzowl¹

3. 2/3 small businesses utilize digital advertising to gain new customers

Source: Google¹

4. 67% of marketers produce weekly video content

Source: Weidert

5. 87% of video marketers said they make a profit from their efforts

Source: Startup Bonsai

6. 96% of consumers claim to watch explainer videos

Source: Wyzowl²

7. Video retention rates have been growing by 11% year-on-year

Source: Adobe

8. 85% of marketers say that video is an effective way to get attention online

Source: Animoto¹

9. 92% of mobile video viewers watch without sound

Source: Next TV

10. 50% of Americans watch content with subtitles

Source: Preply

11. 66% of event planners use video in their marketing strategy

Source: Skift

12. Audiences retain 95% of the information when watching a video versus 10% when reading the same information in text

Source: Pop Video

13. The human mind is 22x more likely to remember facts when presented within a story format

Source: Wikipedia


Online Video Consumption Statistics

14. In 2022, video streaming and downloads accounted for 82% of global internet traffic

Source: Cisco

15. The average person consumes 100 minutes of online video per day

Source: Oberlo¹

16. Online videos reach 92% of global Internet users

Source: Statista¹

17. The amount of time individuals have spent watching unboxing videos on their phones is equivalent to watching “Love Actually” more than 20 million times

Source: Google²

18. In 2021, American adults watched 149 minutes per day of digital video and 167 minutes per day of TV video content

Source: Statista²

19. 75% of adults in the US consume up to two hours of short-form digital video content every day

Source: Insider Intelligence¹

20. 85% of internet users in the US watch video online

Source: Statista³

21. People watch six hours and 48 minutes of video on the internet per week, on average

Source: Oberlo²


Social Media Video Marketing Statistics

22. Video posts on social media are shared 1200% more than text and image posts combined

Source: Market Splash

23. 93% of brands have generated a new customer from their video content on social media

Source: Animoto¹

24. 91% of marketers are satisfied with the ROI of video marketing on social media

Source: Animoto¹

25. 73% of social media users want to see ‘entertaining videos’ when logging into their preferred platform

Source: Adscholars

26. 63% of marketers say that video generates the best ROI on social media

Source: Animoto²

27. 50% of consumers prefer video content on social media

Source: Sprout Social

28. 54% of users rely on social media to research products

Source: Global Web Index²

29. 64% of those surveyed stated they purchased something after watching a brand’s social media video

Source: Tubular Insights²


Youtube Video Marketing Statistics

30. 62% of people in the US YouTube users visit the platform every day

Source: Statista⁵

31. The average person spends 20 minutes per day on YouTube

Source: Hootsuite¹

32. 40% of surveyed consumers worldwide claim to have bought things they came across on YouTube

Source: Google⁴

33. 51% of UK/US consumers use YouTube to find products to buy

Source: Global Web Index¹

34. 83% of consumers go to YouTube as their preferred destination for video content

Source: Hubspot³

35. 70% of YouTube viewers watch videos to “help [them] with a problem”

Source: Google⁵

36. The number of channels that earn $10,000 per year (or more) on YouTube grew by 50%, year on year

Source: YouTube¹

37. 80% of US parents with kids under 11 say their children watch YouTube

Source: Pew Research

38. Between 2015 and 2017, over 50,000 years of product reviews were watched on YouTube

Source: Google⁶

39. 29% of marketers found YouTube’s skippable video ads most effective

Source: Statista⁶

40. 89% of video marketers plan to include YouTube in their video marketing strategy this year

Source: Wyzowl²

41. 50.9% of B2B decision-makers use YouTube to research their purchases

Source: Hootsuite²


Facebook Video Marketing Statistics

42. Every day, Facebook videos receive at least 8 billion views

Source: Business Insider

43. Video now accounts for nearly half of all time spent on Facebook

Source: The Motley Fool

44. 500 million people view videos daily on Facebook

Source: Tubular Insights¹

45. 83% of US marketers are convinced that they can drive purchases with Facebook video content

Source: eMarketer¹

46. On average, Facebook videos with numbers in the title receive more views

Source: Wochit

47. Videos on Facebook have a 135% higher organic reach than photographs

Source: Emplifi

48. Facebook users examine video content 5x longer than they do static content

Source: Facebook

49. 83% of US marketers are confident in Facebook video ads driving purchases

Source: eMarketer²

50. 47% of Facebook users watch video advertising on the platform more than any other

Source: Small Biz Trends


Instagram Video Marketing Statistics

51. Instagram video posts get 2x as much engagement compared to other post types

Source: Search Engine Journal

52. Reels receive 22% more interaction than ordinary Instagram video posts

Source: Demand Sage

53. Video Posts Have The Highest Average Engagement Rate For Business Accounts

Source: Hootsuite³

54. In 2022, Instagram users spent 70% more time watching video content compared to 2017

Source: Growthoid

55. Sponsored video posts receive 3x more comments compared to sponsored picture posts

Source: Impact Plus


Linkedin Video Marketing Statistics

56. Live video posts receive 24x more comments on average

Source: LinkedIn¹

57. LinkedIn users are 20x more likely to reshare a post containing a video

Source: LinkedIn²

58. LinkedIn Live streams generate 7x more reactions and 24x more comments for brands than ordinary videos

Source: LinkedIn³

59. Video is LinkedIn’s fastest-growing format and five times more likely to start a conversation among LinkedIn members

Source: LinkedIn²


Twitter Video Marketing Statistics

60. Tweets with video attract 10x more engagements than those without

Source: Twitter¹

61. According to Twitter’s internal data, there are over 2 billion video views on Twitter each day, representing a 67% year-on-year increase

Source: Twitter¹

62. Video is Twitter’s fastest-growing ad format

Source: Twitter¹

63. 2 billion videos are watched on Twitter every day by its users

Source: Twitter¹

64. Twitter video ads can increase total video views by up to 95% and total video watch time by 84%

Source: Twitter²


Tiktok Video Marketing Statistics

65. The average organic reach for brand posts on TikTok is 118%. Compared to just 5.2% on Facebook

Source: Amplfuence

66. With every internet minute, 167 million TikTok videos are viewed

Source: Statista⁷

67. 55% of TikTok users have purchased something after seeing it on the app

Source: Student Beans

68. With an average engagement rate of 4.25%, TikTok is the highest compared to all major social media platforms

Source: Social Insider

69. In 2022, TikTok was the most downloaded app for mobile devices

Source: Statista⁸

70. The average TikTok member spends 95 minutes per day scrolling and watching videos on the app

Source: Statista⁹

71. TikTok was used by children 62% more than YouTube

Source: Qustodio

72. Women make up 54% of TikTok users

Source: Statista¹⁰

73. A macro-influencer’s TikTok post receives an average of 38,517 views

Source: Statista¹¹

74. TikTok’s CPM is half of Instagram’s, a third of Twitter’s, and 62% less than Snapchat’s

Source: Insider Intelligence²

75. 21% of global internet users regularly use TikTok

Source: HopperHQ


Live Video Statistics

76. By 2027, It’s estimated that the global live-streaming market will be worth over $247 Billion

Source: Vimeo

77. After watching a live video, 67% of viewers are more likely to purchase a ticket to an event

Source: Eventbrite

78. 80% of consumers prefer watching live video from a company over reading a blog post

Source: Vimeo²

79. 45% of individuals who follow brands want to see them produce more live video

Source: Sprout Social

80. 85% of YouTube users have watched a live stream event in the past year

Source: YouTube²

81. 300% increase in people incorporating YouTube into their “Morning Routine”

Source: Finance Online


Video Advertisement Statistics

82. People will skip your advertisement if you don’t grab their attention in the first five seconds

Source: Idea Rocket Animation

83. Advertisement videos have 27.4x more clicks than traditional banner ads

Source: Instapage

84. By the end of 2023, spending on internet video ads will reach $78.5 billion

Source: Statista⁴


Email Video Marketing Statistics

85. Including “video” in the subject line of your emails can boost open rates by 19%

Source: Campaign Monitor and The Manifest

86. Using videos within email content Increases click-through rates by 65%

Source: Campaign Monitor

87. Embedding video into your email content also reduces unsubscribes by 26%

Source: Campaign Monitor

88. 88% of marketers are happy with the ROI of their video marketing efforts on social

Source: Oberlo³


Website Video Marketing Statistics

89. The average conversion rate improvement for websites using video landing pages is 80%

Source: Business2Community and EyeViewDigital

90. Adding videos to landing pages used in PPC campaigns increases conversions by 130%

Source: Martech Zone

91. Relevant embedded video content can increase website conversions by 86%

Source: Hubspot²

92. Website Visitors Stay on landing pages containing a video 2.6x longer than pages without videos

Source: Wistia

93. Video content on eCommerce sites increases organic traffic to those sites by 157%

Source: eCommerce Nation

94. When compared to CTAs that were placed in banners, KISSmetrics improved its click rate by 380% by natively adding CTAs inside their video content

Source: Quick Sprout

95. Businesses that utilize videos as part of their marketing mix have an average website conversion rate of 4.8%, whereas organizations that don’t use videos only achieve an average of 2.9%

Source: Aberdeen Group

96. By using a story-led approach in its content marketing, Search Engine Watch was able to increase its website conversions by 30%

Source: Search Engine Watch¹


SEO Video Statistics

97. In Google, video results have a 50x higher chance of being ranked organically than text-based results

Source: Forrester

98. 94% of videos that rank in Google Search’s top three positions are hosted on YouTube

Source: Moz

99. 62% of Google’s searches return video results

Source: Search Metrics

100. 91% of businesses found that video helped increase web traffic

Source: Wyzowl²


Webinar Video Statistics

101. 95% of marketers claim that webinars are effective

Source: Hubspot¹

102. The average conversion rate for webinars is 55%

Source: Noisy Little Monkey

103. According to 70% of marketers, webinars are efficient at generating qualified leads

Source: Live Webinar


Brand Video Statistics

104. 91% of customers want to see more videos from the businesses they enjoy

Source: Wyzowl¹

105. 88% of B2B marketers agree that high-quality video strengthens their company’s reputation

Source: Content Marketing Institute

106. 82% of consumers report feeling more positive about a brand after viewing content created by them

Source: Demand Metric

107. 89% of people will buy from the brand after following them on social media

Source: Sprout Social

108. 91% of marketers feel the Covid-19 pandemic has made video more important for brands

Source: Wyzowl³


Video Sales And Conversions Statistics

109. 78% of video marketers say video has directly helped increase sales

Source: Wyzowl³

110. 2/3 people claim they’re more likely to make a purchase after watching a testimonial video

Source: Wyzowl⁴

111. 86% of marketers say video has been effective for generating leads, up another 2% from 2021 and up 5% since 2019

Source: Hubspot¹

112. 79% of consumers claim that videos are a deciding factor in their purchasing decisions

Source: Hubspot¹

113. 84% of consumers agreed that watching a brand’s video persuaded them to purchase their product or service

Source: Optin Monster

114. When there is video involved, 57% of respondents feel more confident in their purchases

Source: Media Post

115. After viewing an explainer video, 88% of people carried out a purchase

Source: Wyzowl²

116. Marketing campaigns that include videos increase conversions by 34%

Source: Unbounce

117. 55% of shoppers globally say they use online video while actually shopping in-store to guide their purchasing decision

Source: Google³

118. 42% of people like testimonial videos because they show real customers with real success stories

Source: Wyzowl²


Product Video Statistics

119. Consumers who watch a product video are 144% more likely to buy than ones who don’t

Source: Neil Patel

120. Before making a purchase, 70% of B2B buyers will watch a product video

Source: Google⁷

121. 96% of marketers agree that videos help people understand their product or service better

Source: Hubspot¹

122. When learning about products or services, 72% of consumers prefer watching videos

Source: YouGov

123. 94% of consumers say they watch explainer films to understand more about products

Source: Hubspot⁵

124. Visitors who watch product videos are 73% more likely to buy the item advertised

Source: Hubspot⁴



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