We’d like to take you on a trip back in time to March 2020. We know what you’re thinking: really? But hear us out. When the proverbial you know what hit the fan all those months ago, few people saw it coming. Sure, there were already lockdowns, from China to Italy, but in the UK nobody had any idea of what to expect. We at Viddyoze certainly didn’t.
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A Beginner’s Guide To The Very Basics Of Video Transitions
Transitions are very important – and mastering them is critical to being able to put together a brilliant piece of video content. If you’re new and looking for some useful information on what they are, why they matter and what you can do with them, you’re in the right place.
Llewellyn Dalton: Doing More With Viddyoze
When Covid-19 turned the world upside down, web designer and digital marketer and Llewellyn Dalton knew he had to adapt and add another string to his bow. The entire landscape had changed completely in the blink of an eye.
Basic Guide To Video Content For Real Estate Businesses
Video is fundamental to real estate marketing. That’s the sum of it. And if you’re not doing it – or doing it well – you’re missing out big time. Read on for more insight.
As I See It: Introducing Maiyah Kenz
For many of you, Maiyah Kenz will now be a familiar face. As our resident content creator, she is responsible for creating a wide range of entertaining, informative and inspiring videos for our social media platforms, as well as our YouTube channel. Here’s how she sees it.
Why All Businesses Need To Create Video Content For YouTube: Upcoming Webinar
We are very proud to announce that Viddyoze will be hosting a very special and free webinar in partnership with the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) on Friday 26 March 2021.