
Home » Blog » Melodie: How Bespoke Video Animations Gave Our Social Media Efforts A Lift
Home » Blog » Melodie: How Bespoke Video Animations Gave Our Social Media Efforts A Lift

Melodie: How Bespoke Video Animations Gave Our Social Media Efforts A Lift

Melodie logo

Melodie is an online beat factory, the place you go when your video content needs music to bring it all together.

Whether you’re looking for an uplifting indie soundtrack for your travel blog, big dub for a product launch, epic hip-hop for a documentary you’ve been working on, Melodie’s platform has thousands of bespoke tracks created by some of the best session musicians around the world to choose from.

Their super simple process gives brands, businesses and content creators access to a massive catalogue of awesome tracks in an instant. And because they’re written and recorded exclusively for Melodie, your content will always sound unique. Think Spotify, but for video makers.

In Search Of The Unique

Melodie already knew they offered an awesome service. But in such a noisy market, they needed a solution that would help their video content stand out on social media. They wanted something that they could call their own.

Enter Viddyoze.

Melodie was already bought in to the benefits of having access to our platform and what it would allow them to do. But they were also interested in whether we could create bespoke video animations. Our answer? Of course. After all, it’s a side of the business that we’ve been working on quietly over the past few years – personalized video animation solutions that help solve very specific challenges.

Our brief was to keep it simple and to keep it on brand – they wanted animations that would complement a wide range of content and an ever-growing catalogue of music. The video animations also needed to be used easily across all the major social media platforms, from LinkedIn and Facebook to Instagram and Twitter.

The Creative

With Melodie, we figured that less was more, and settled on developing two custom-built templates they could use time after time. Both would be available in a vertical and square format.

What was essential was for the video animations to be minimalist in style, much like the Melodie brand. So we took their logo, softened it by making it translucent, and added a text field – also with a translucent background – so that they could add in key bits of info.

For Melodie, these video animations worked especially well for Instagram Stories – the vertical option, for example, allowed them to announce their new music releases quickly and effectively.

It really is as simple as adding an image, picking the track and writing the copy. And voila, in a few clicks, they’ve got a dynamic and highly engaging video that’s ready to post online in no time at all.

You can check out how these look by visiting Melodie’s Instagram page and tapping on Releases in the Highlights section. For convenience, we’ve added some shots below:

We also recommended that Melodie use some of our existing templates in their digital marketing efforts, video animations that reflected the understated aesthetic of the brand.

And because our animations are highly customizable, these templates were, in just a few clicks, adapted to fit Melodie’s signature style. Our minimalist lower thirds family really were a perfect fit.

In the above video, you can see how this template (Minimalistic Lower Third 03) allowed Melodie to add in essential text – the name of the producer and title of the track – in a discreet way.

It also provided Melodie with an opportunity to drop in their logo for a bit of subtle brand awareness, and again in such a way that it doesn’t distract the viewer.

Likewise, with the following video, Melodie took this template (Minimalistic Lower Third 01) and transformed it into end credits so that it could reference the featured tracks and their creators:

In all of the above examples, Melodie was able to get across essential detail on-screen without it taking away from the really important bits: the music and the live-action footage. It was simple, but killer.

Viddyoze’s easy-to-use animation software doesn’t require any technical skills or knowledge, which makes it intuitive to use

“Viddyoze’s easy-to-use animation software doesn’t require any technical skills or knowledge, which makes it intuitive to use,” said Selin Gunsur, Partnerships Manager at Melodie.

“And because it lets you render professional animations within a matter of minutes, it’s the perfect solution for busy marketing teams that need to produce a lot of content in a short period of time.”

The Results

Melodie experienced significant growth on social media when it introduced Viddyoze’s custom and library-based video animations into the mix, with followers and reach growing notably across all of its major platforms over the duration of our work together.

So positive have the results been that Melodie continues to use Viddyoze’s animations to help bolster its digital marketing efforts on social media, as well as on YouTube.

Key stats:


Data over a 28-day period:

  • Reach: 18,484 (+3,092%)
  • Engagement: 1,218 (+472%)
  • Videos: 8,649 (+4,099%)
  • Views: 152 (+26%)
  • Likes: 15 (+113%)
  • Followers: 16 (+167%)


Data over a two-month period:

  • Profile visits: 1,115
  • Website clicks: 53
  • Linkin.bio clicks: 105 (114% click-through)
  • Impressions: 9,234
  • Reach (avg.): 119  
  • Follows: +169 (74.4% growth)


Data over a two-month period:

  • Page views: 223
  • Unique visitors: 73
  • Impressions: 62
  • Followers: +12 (9% growth)
Continued Reading
Llewellyn Dalton: Doing More With Viddyoze

When Covid-19 turned the world upside down, web designer and digital marketer and Llewellyn Dalton knew he had to adapt and add another string to his bow. The entire landscape had changed completely in the blink of an eye.

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Posted on Apr 13, 2021
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