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Llewellyn Dalton: Doing More With Viddyoze

When Covid-19 turned the world upside down, web designer and digital marketer and Llewellyn Dalton knew he had to adapt and add another string to his bow. The entire landscape had changed completely in the blink of an eye.

Video, which Llewellyn already had previous experience in, presented itself as a viable solution to the challenges that the pandemic had thrown his way. And Digital Espresso was born.

“90% of what I do now is video,” he explained. “It’s now the primary focus of my business.”

Connecting With Viddyoze

Viddyoze, which Llewellyn discovered when scrolling through Facebook, has become an important part of his video content efforts.

‘We’re spoilt for choice with 1,500 and counting Viddyoze animation templates,” he said.

“Sometimes it takes me longer to find the template than it does to make the video! We’ve had a lot of impressed clients and we use the technology as a lead magnet.

“Before I was shooting mainly talking head videos for clients, but you always want to create an intro and outro with some subtitles. That’s why Viddyoze is such a gift.”

Anyone Can Do It

When it comes to using video, Llewellyn describes himself as ‘self-taught’.

“Over the years I’ve become quite fearless with learning new things,” he said. “It is extraordinary what you can learn off YouTube!”

It’s true. You’ll find amazing tips and tricks and guides on YouTube – such as our channel – as well as through Google.

It really is as easy as a quick search and, with hard work and dedication, can too master video without having to spend a ton of money on professional courses (although, of course, there’s nothing wrong with that).

“Not everyone has a good eye for color,” Llewellyn explained. “That is where the Facebook forum is so helpful. We are literally training each other in there.”

Moving On Up

Llewellyn is very busy these days – and that’s a good thing.

“It’s really helping my business,” he said. “For once I can say I’m sitting on more leads than I know what to do with.”

He’s a big advocate of Template Club, our unique monthly subscription service that is designed to help users take their fledgling video content businesses to the next level.

“I would recommend the Viddyoze Template Club, because that opens up all of the templates on offer,” he said.

“I’ve never seen anything like this tool. The use you can get out if it is limitless.

“It doesn’t take much brainpower to work with Viddyoze. You just follow the footsteps. I think anyone can do it.”

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