We’re proud to announce that Viddyoze now has a plugin on WordPress. That’s right – you can now create stunning video animations right inside of WordPress. Not bad eh? Read on for more insight and how to get started.
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YouTube SEO: How to Optimize Your Videos And Boost Rankings
You’ve set up the channel. Got the ideas. Made the videos. You’ve had a little success – some decent numbers on a couple of videos – and now you want to take it to the next level. The question is, how? One word (well, one acronym): SEO.
5 Things To Remember For A Hassle-Free Production
Things don’t always go to plan. It just is what it is. And the same is true for when it comes to the day of your shoot. Things can sometimes go awry, regardless of how tight your pre-production prep has been. Here are some top tips on how to keep a cool head for a hassle-free production.
5 Ways You Can Transform Your Video Content In Pre-Production
From storyboarding to sorting out your gear, Dan Stoner has put together five top tips on how you can transform your video content in pre-production. Find out what the rest are now.
The Do’s And Don’ts Of Using Music in Your YouTube Videos
To help you navigate the copyright minefield, we’ve rounded up the most important do’s and don’ts you need to know about before using music in your YouTube videos.
A Day In The Life Of A Cinematographer
You’ll most likely have seen Dan on our YouTube channel. And on Instagram. And Facebook. And LinkedIn too. But presenting is just a small part of what he does at Viddyoze. Find out what he gets up to on a typical day.
5 Ways You Can Transform Your Video Content In Post-Production
Looking for ways to whip your video content into shape in post-production? Well, our resident cinematographer is here to help. He’s rounded up five top tips. You’re very welcome.
Video Ads: Accept Things Will Break – Just Be Sure To Fix ‘Em
No matter how good your site is, how much time you invest in the customer journey, or how excellent your video ads are, at one time or another, something, somewhere is going to break. Ultimately, the important thing is how quickly you react – and fix it before it becomes a huge problem.
Building a Better Viddyoze… From The Inside Out
Through it all, from the early, manic days of 2014 to the more surreal days of 2020/21, our colleagues have been critical to making the business what it is today: a hugely successful and disruptive SaaS technology company that helps anyone and everyone create professional-looking videos with deft ease.
5 Top Tips For Aspiring Cinematographers – From a Cinematographer Who’s Made It
Dan Stoner, who heads up video at Viddyoze – and who has been shooting epic content for longer than he’d like to admit – has put together five top tips for aspiring cinematographers. Find out what they are.