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Recent Video Marketing Examples (And The Goal Behind Them)

Recent Video Marketing Examples graphic

Video marketing helps increase sales, improve brand awareness, and build consumer trust. But you know that already – that’s why you’re reading this article.

The problem is you don’t know where to start, right?

Don’t worry, there are tons of start-ups and established businesses in the same boat. That’s why we created Viddyoze, to make video marketing easier for people like you. So read on, and we’ll show you how it’s done – and how you can do the same.

Here are some of the most successful video marketing examples out there:

Why Is Good Audio Content Hard To Find? – Audioburst

Audioburst uses a standard promo video format to explain what its product is and how it works. This video marketing campaign uses a presenter and voice-over to get across the information.

What Is The Video Trying To Achieve?

Video ads like this one are purely sales driven. Audioburst puts forward a problem (the difficulty businesses have finding background music for their content) and positions itself as the solution.

Who Is The Audience For The Video?

Audioburst is targeting new customers here – predominantly professional ones, at that. In terms of the customer avatar, the video content seems to be targeting decision-makers/business owners.

Why This Video Works

The video is succinct and clear in its goals. Video marketing examples like this want the viewer to know that they can help with a very specific problem. The video is tightly scripted, reeling off USP after USP. These kinds of promos are multipurpose – they can be used as video ads or as web page content. So far, this promo/explainer video has been viewed over 10,000 times.


Can Spices Improve Your Health – ZOE

This video podcast covers a range of health questions related to spice. ZOE uses a pretty standard podcast format, where the host interviews an expert over the course of an episode. As the video progresses, the expert also provides practical advice about using spices in cooking.

What Is The Video Trying To Achieve?

ZOE’s uses its podcast to tap into wider conversations about health in order to build an audience and attract potential customers. At the same time, this type of video content positions the brand as an expert.

Who Is The Audience For The Video?

In this video marketing campaign, ZOE is looking to pull in new customers: health-conscious individuals looking to improve their well-being. The call to action is to subscribe or review. The host also asks viewers to submit more questions so that ZOE’s marketing team can create videos addressing specific issues.

Why This Video Works

Weight loss and healthy living is a constantly evolving topic. This is a great example of a brand using science to address these issues. It sparks though along with practical tips on healthy living. With almost 18,000 views and 70 comments, this video marketing example campaign should be considered a massive success.


Chef Heman’s Newest Impossible Pork Creations at Moonbow in Singapore – Impossible Foods

The video opens with renowned chef Heman introducing himself and his restaurant. The video then cuts to two dishes he has created using Impossible Foods’ products (for those who don’t know, Impossible Foods create plant-based substitutes for meat products). The video campaign then shows Heman preparing these dishes in his kitchen.

What Is The Video Trying To Achieve?

There are a few things going on in this video. Firstly, it’s trying to build greater brand awareness. As soon as you see this video, you’re wondering, “what is Impossible Pork?”. Naturally, the viewer also assumes it must be legit, given the professional setting and high production value. Naturally, the viewer wants to find out more about Impossible Foods.

Who Is The Audience For The Video?

Broadly speaking, restaurant video marketing is best for targeting foodies. Within that demographic, there are two other targets: vegetarians and people who want to reduce their meat consumption. The story is a simple one: Impossible Foods can replace meat in delicious, unexpected ways.

Why This Video Works

For a start, it looks great. Visually, it looks like a clip from Bourdain’s Parts Unknown, and high-quality video marketing videos tend to perform better on social media. On top of that, the video taps into the important conversation about sustainability, which, given the state of the world right now, is very relevant.


Feel Closer – Hopin

In this video, Hopin use a diverse set of actors to deliver an emotive monologue. Each actor delivers their line, framed in a head shot, before the scene switches to another actor, speaking in a different language.

What Is The Video Trying To Achieve?

Video marketing examples like this have a number of goals. As an ad, its primary goal is to increase brand awareness and boost sales. With so many people now watching videos online, the best marketing videos also drive engagement on social media.

Who Is The Audience For The Video?

Judging by the actors Hopin uses, the brand is targeting people both men and women, between the ages of 30 and 50, from all over the world.

Why This Video Works

The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented shift in human interaction. Forced to stay home due to lockdown restrictions, people all over the world turned to alternative means of communication, such as Zoom and Google Hangouts – Hopin offers a similar solution. Playing on themes of isolation and togetherness, Hopin taps into the collective experience of Covid.

So far, it’s been viewed more than 140,000 times. The video was picked up by the business press, too.


How to Send Money with Rewire (From Europe) – Rewire

This is the perfect example of a tutorial video (also known as explainer videos or ‘how to’ videos) from international money transfer specialists Rewire. The marketing video walks users through the process from start to finish, using a simple walk-through and voice-over template.

What Is The Video Trying To Achieve?

This video marketing example has one goal: to show its user how to do something. It’s likely been created after a number of customers submitted the same query. Not only is it a great piece of marketing, but it frees up valuable customer support team time.

Who Is The Audience For The Video?

Marketing videos like this one usually target existing customers (although they can also be used to attract new ones, too). Given the wide scope of Rewire’s products, the demographic is very broad. Ultimately, the goal is to improve the user experience and encourage customers to transfer money more often.

Why This Video Works

This how to video works because it solves a clear problem the user has. Judging by Rewire’s other video content, it is part of a wider video marketing strategy of explainer videos. At the time of writing, this video has been viewed 21,943 – great numbers for a start-up.


Our Core Values – Delivery Hero

Simple but effective. This video features Delivery Hero’s C-suite team talking about the brand’s core values. It’s an excellent example of corporate marketing video content.

What Is The Video Trying To Achieve?

This video is pretty self-explanatory. Delivery Hero is trying to align with the values of potential customers. It’s top-of-the-funnel stuff – the beginning of a relationship with a view to convert prospects later with direct content marketing, such as product videos, or testimonial videos.

Who Is The Audience For The Video?

As a food delivery service, the target audience is very broad for this video. Generally speaking, the kinds of people who use delivery services are time-poor professionals or people with mobility issues.

Why This Video Works

While this kind of content is unlikely to become a viral video, it is extremely effective in speaking to its audience. It’s also multipurpose. It can be hosted on a webpage to boost organic traffic, posted on a YouTube channel (where it currently has 18,000+ views), or posted on social media (think Facebook video ads).

Discover The Power Of Social Investing – eToro

In this video, we see a man walking down the street using his phone. Around him, hundreds of people fly through the air, interacting with each other about trading. The video, for eToro, a social trading app, shows the ease with which people can communicate and invest using the platform. Like the best social media video examples, there’s a high-quality of production throughout.

What Is The Video Trying To Achieve?

The main goal of this video is to win new customers and drive sign-ups. The CTA at the end of the video is clear and obvious, asking viewers to “join now”.

Who Is The Audience For The Video?

Judging by the use of actors, eToro is pitching this one to a younger audience (somewhere between the 20s to early 40s). The story is clear: investing is better, easier, and more fun through eToro’s community-based method. Like most of eToro’s video marketing efforts, there’s a light-hearted tone to the content – as investing has historically been seen as a serious, complicated area, this is key to attracting new customers.

Why This Video Works

More video advertising than viral video, this content works because it’s fun and engaging. Not only does it show how eToro’s product works in a creative way, it gives trading a young, modern makeover. To date, it’s been viewed over 6,000 times.


Labster Chemistry Virtual Labs – Labster

This product demo video walks the viewer through Labster’s virtual lab software, while a voice-over explains how it is used and what it is used for.

What Is The Video Trying To Achieve?

Explainer videos like this are trying to drive more sales by highlighting the USPs of a product or service. Typically, a video like this will sit on a product page. It can also be shared across a brand’s social media platforms.

Who Is The Audience For The Video?

The target for this product is clearly professional. Labster is targeting decision-makers at education organizations, such as high schools, colleges, and universities. The message is also very clear: with Labster, your students’ educational experience will improve.

Why This Video Works

While it’s clearly a product video, it’s also educational. Educational videos like this one work so well because they show how useful a product or service can be for its users. Given the education audience, the practical approach really hits home – and you can see that in the numbers: 100,000-plus views and 78 comments.


The Dasher: Run Hard, Tread Light – Allbirds

The video begins with a close-up of a field of sugar cane. Zooming in, a voice-over explains how Allbirds’ new running shoes are made. Next, we see a close-up of merino wool and rubber plants, which mesh into a running shoe. The camera then pans out to reveal a group of runners, all wearing Allbirds jogging along a stunning beach.

What Is The Video Trying To Achieve?

This short video has one goal: sales. For digital marketing purposes, this is a straight-up advert. So many companies use short-form videos, just like this one, to push out on social media.

Who Is The Audience For The Video?

With this product video, Allbirds is targeting a younger, more socially conscious crowd. The story here has two themes: these trainers are made in a way that’s much better for the environment, and they’re durable enough to withstand your average training routine.

Why This Video Works

The editing process has created a sharp, crisp video with a social message. When that’s done right, it can be a very powerful tool. Marketing campaigns like this one are successful because they make buyers feel as if they’re making a difference while purchasing something they need.


Get Paid Online With Monzo Business – Monzo

A classic ‘how to’ video, Monzo runs businesses through its payment methods using animations and screen-share-style footage.

Video’s Marketing Goal

The main goal here is for more businesses to sign up for Monzo’s business account. Animated videos like this one can also be used to drive more brand awareness through social media.

Target Audience For The Video

Clearly, the audience targetted here is professional, most likely smaller businesses looking for a simple way to control their finances. Monzo wants to show business owners that its platform won’t take up their time; they can get back to running their business.

Why This Video Works

‘How to’ videos like this work because they are clear and concise. They show off the product or service in an easy-to-understand way. It’s not a personalized video, but the content draws on the shared experiences of small and local businesses to strike a chord.


Streem Team Collaboration – Streem

Streem walks through its service, using fictional customer stories in this slick, easy-to-follow explainer video. The video cuts from charactet to character, demonstrating how Streem allows employees to communicate during the day.

Video’s Marketing Goal

Creating videos like this one is usually to promote sales. The desired outcome is either a boost in sales figure or an increase in interest (sales call backs, promos, etc).

Who Is The Audience For The Video?

The audience for this video is businesses. Streem is promising seamless communication, which in turn allows businesses to improve their performance. The CTA action at the end is strong and direct, prompting viewers to download the app and begin a free trial.

Why This Video Works

Again, the key to this video is its simplicity. It addresses customer issues head-on, positioning Streem’s services as the solution.


Final thoughts

Viral videos are very difficult to create. That should never be your goal when making a video. Instead, focus on your users’ problems, and

Of course, these are just a few examples. There are tons more video marketing ideas that you can use, including interactive videos, behind the scenes video, user generated video content, influencer marketing, and testimonial videos.


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