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20 Video Marketing Trends You Must Try Out (2023 Edition)

2022 Video Marketing Trends - hero image

2023 will be a huge year for video. This marketing mega trend shows no signs of slowing down. Whether you’re someone who’s new to video marketing, or you’ve been testing different strategies already, it’s important to stay on top of the now and the next. Otherwise, you risk falling behind and missing out on tons of potential customers and the numerous benefits of video marketing.

At Viddyoze, we’re experts when it comes to video marketing. Our platform empowers individuals, businesses, and agencies to create high-impact videos across different platforms. These are our 20 video marketing trends for 2023 you have to try.

1. Creating High-quality Video Content Gets Easier

It’s no secret that the internet loves video content.

We love it so much, it’s now estimated that 82% of global internet usage is dedicated solely to streaming video.

And the kicker for brands is that 84% of people claim to have bought a product after seeing it in a marketing video.

Using video in your marketing is a no-brainer, but one challenge is creating content that looks premium.

Realistically, if your company videos are missing branded introductions or high-grade transitions within the content, you’re unlikely to generate new customers as the low video quality will force them to doubt the credibility of your brand.

Many companies recognize this and choose not to use video in their marketing because they don’t have the technical expertise to create high-quality logo animations.

This is extra frustrating because these companies are missing out on a ton of potential new customers.

But don’t worry, Viddyoze is here to put an end to this.

Viddyoze has built an online video creation platform that allows you to easily produce branded intros, transitions, and lower thirds from within the app, in minutes, with no technical knowledge needed!

So now you can create stunning marketing videos which will sell your products, easily and affordably.

Get started now with a 7-day free trial. You can sign up, create all the marketing videos you need, and if you’re not completely satisfied you can cancel before the trial ends, and we won’t charge you a penny.

Tap here to start your FREE trial.

2. Shoppable Video Ads Will Be Essential For eCommerce Businesses

Shoppable videos are among the biggest video trends on social media.

They are interactive ads that allow the watcher to press a button on the screen to directly purchase the product being advertised.

All the major social media platforms have integrated shoppable videos into their platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Here’s how they work:

  1. When someone watches your shoppable video content, they can click on the “Shop Now” link in the ad.
  2. After clicking, the viewer will be taken to a landing page where they can watch the full-length video, but also view additional information about the product, such as pricing, specs, etc. They can also add the item to their shopping cart.
  3. Once they’ve made that decision, they can proceed to checkout. If they choose not to make a purchase, they can close out of the pop-up window without having to leave your website.

Shoppable video content lends itself more to eCommerce businesses than companies that need to rely on high-ticket digital marketing to sell their most expensive products. So, if your business sells anything from clothing to home decor or even electronics, then you should definitely incorporate shoppable ads into your online video advertising strategy.

3. Fewer YouTube Embeds On Webpages

YouTube embedding has become a staple of video content marketing, but it also slows down web pages.

Google’s Core Web Vitals update has put an even higher emphasis on page loading times. Why? The Google company wants to ensure users have access to high-quality information as quickly as possible.

It’s one reason why the video streaming platform Twitch grew 44% last year. Expect more marketers to shift towards video hosting platforms that allow for faster load times. One of the top video marketing trends for 2023.

4. Hyper-personalized Videos For Consumers

In 2023, we’ll see a shift from traditional content creation to hyper-personalization using AI. Instead of creating one generic video for everyone, AI will help brands create hundreds of personalized videos that target your audience based on what they like, where they live, how old they are, etc. So if you want to reach millennials or Gen Z, you’ll need to create different types of videos that speak to them specifically.

Spotify’s Wrapped is a great video marketing example of how to execute hyper-personalization at scale. Every one of Spotify’s millions of customers around the world is sent an annual recap of their listening behaviour, including favourite artists, songs and more.

As an example, let’s say you run a business selling kitchen appliances. You could create a general video about kitchen appliances, but it would probably not resonate with anyone who doesn’t already know about your brand. Instead, you might create a series of short videos that focus on specific topics related to cooking — such as “How To Make A Perfect Omelet” or “The Best Way To Clean Your Kitchen Appliances.” These videos would be highly targeted at people who are interested in learning more about your products and services.

The other big trend is the rise of conversational advertising. Today, most online ads are static images and text. But by 2023, we’re going to see much more dynamic ad formats. For instance, imagine being able to watch a video ad that asks you questions about yourself, then provides relevant information based on your answers. Or maybe you’d get asked about your preferences and receive recommendations tailored to your interests. This type of interaction will help brands build stronger relationships with customers, which will lead to higher engagement rates.

5. LinkedIn Video Conferencing Takes On Webinar Platforms

Okay, video conferencing is nothing new (in fact, it’s been around since the 90s), but LinkedIn’s video conferencing takes on webinar marketing platforms by letting you host video conferences for free.

Factor in LinkedIn’s huge user base and it makes sense that we’ll see more video content hosted on the platform.

This is especially interesting for B2B businesses and account-based marketers, both of whom use LinkedIn more in their content marketing strategy.

6. Video Ad Sequencing And In-depth Conditional Logic

Ad Sequencing is an innovative way for brands to convert more watchers with their video ads – we’re expecting it to explode in popularity this year.

Picture this: your ad is playing before a YouTube video and instead of skipping, the viewer watches the full ad.

This is a great indication that the watcher has enjoyed your content. To capitalize on this, next, you can show the watcher a much longer ad which goes for the sale on your product.

The viewer decides to make a purchase and everybody is happy!

Now let’s consider scenario B: again, your ad is playing before a YouTube video but this time the viewer skips it as soon as they possibly can.

Since this viewer hasn’t interacted with your content yet, it’s very unlikely that showing them a longer product-focused ad will get the conversion.

Here’s where the beauty of ad sequencing becomes clear.

Based on their user behaviour, you can display a completely different ad to the watcher, one for example which is made to be entertaining instead of sales focused.

The watcher enjoys the video and this convinces them to watch the next ad they see of yours, only this time they’re viewing a product focused ad which convinces them to make a purchase! Yay!

By utilizing advanced conditional logic based on how watchers interact with your video content, you can provide them with a unique type of video storytelling designed to capitalize on hot leads immediately or warm up cold leads when necessary.

Ad sequencing will generate you more customers and take video lead-generation to the next level,  for that reason it makes our list of video marketing trends to watch out for in 2023.

7. More Brands Adopt TikTok

TikTok has now surpassed one billion monthly active users globally.

Whereas brands were initially slow to adopt the channel, 2023 will see a flood of marketers looking to take advantage of its high user base.

TikTok for businesses is one of the few social platforms where their organic social media marketing videos can generate more views rather than having to “pay-to-play”.

This has led to brands like Disney and McDonald’s jumping on board. Other big names such as Nike and Starbucks have been working with TikTok creators on branded content campaigns.

The platform allows for short-form vertical videos that can reach an audience quickly and easily. It also has a huge following of young people who are more likely to engage with brands that they follow.

Did you know? You can create engaging TikTok videos fast with Viddyoze.

8. Omnichannel Video Marketing Strategies

If you plan on publishing video content across multiple platforms, you better have a video strategy in place or risk dealing with a lower ROI.

Omnichannel is one of those terms that has been around forever. It’s a term used to describe how companies are trying to reach customers through all channels at once.

It’s important to recognize that what works on one channel won’t necessarily produce the same results on others.

For example, TikTok favors short-form videos, hashtags, and trending music. Whereas to have a better chance of your videos succeeding on YouTube they should be long-form, SEO optimized, and informative.

To squeeze the most value out of each platform, they each need a tailored strategy that accounts for the differences in user base and content consumption.

9. The Online Events Industry Renaissance Continues

Around 2015, online summits and conferences were a huge fad in the digital marketing world.

But they slowly declined in popularity and eventually fizzled out.

However, since the Covid-19 global pandemic they’ve made a significant comeback born out of necessity.

Huge annual events from Microsoft, Facebook, and Salesforce have moved online in the last two years due to safety concerns.

There have been upsides to events moving online, particularly in terms of global accessibility which has led to more people than ever tuning in to keynote speeches which they ordinarily wouldn’t be able to see.

If you’re considering launching your own online event, now’s the time to do it! They’re at peak popularity and the cost is miniscule compared to hosting an in-person event.

Recommended Reading: How To Use Video Marketing To Drive Attendance For Live Events

10. Video Marketers Learn To Repurpose Their Content Better

Repurposing video content is simply finding ways to get more use out of the content you have.

Too often we see marketers invest in great content, mention it in one social media post, and then never promote it again.

It’s a huge waste.

Here’s some quick tips to make your content go further:

  • If you video record your podcast appearances, cherry-pick the best parts and turn them into 15 video-second clips. This will provide you with the social media content needed to promote your next episode.
  • If you have expertly written blog posts, consider turning them into YouTube videos so that you can reach a wider audience.
  • When hosting a webinar series, record them and bundle the whole series together as a potential training course in your niche.

The most successful video marketers right now are the ones which get the most value out of their content and do more with less.

11. Vertical Ads Become The Default On Mobile

Video advertisers are very familiar with ads taking over the entire video player and mobile screens, but we’re going to see them become much more popular across all mobile app and website marketing.

This is because video ad performance has been strong in advertisers’ mobile video campaigns, and video ads convert well across multiple ad formats, including banners and native video. Use Viddyoze to create awesome vertical video ads optimized for mobile.

Recommended Reading: how to use video for lead generation

12. Google Search Becomes More Video Focused

Google has been increasing video in its search engine results pages (SERPs).

According to Advanced Web Rankings, 30% of search results in the US contain a YouTube video and 35% in the UK.

In fact, as many as 45% of search results contain video in some European countries. It’s safe to say that Google will continue to add video to its search results which is great for video marketers.

When creating videos it’s important to consider video marketing SEO to give yours the best chance of appearing in SERPs.

13. Expect To See More Candid Celebrity Endorsement Videos

Celebs have been quick to adopt apps like Cameo to supplement their loss of earnings from public appearance during COVID. Cameo is one of several video sharing platforms that allow users to commission personalized messages.

14. Product Training Videos Become A Must

Video marketing is an effective way to provide step-by-step instructions about how to use your products.

Instead of having to watch someone else do the work, you can show people exactly how to solve their problems. And because the videos are short and easy to consume, they don’t take as much time to create.

Any brands not utilizing video product training videos are missing out on their ability to cut customer support costs or at least reduce the burden on their team.

You should also consider whether you want to include voiceover narration in your videos. While this might seem like overkill at first, it can add a lot of value to your videos.

People often prefer watching videos with audio rather than images alone, so including a voiceover makes your videos easier to digest.

15. International Ad Replacement During Live Events

In terms of trends in video advertising, advertisers have been promoting local video ads during international live events for a while now. But, expect to see video marketers increasing the video ad replacement in live event video streams.

For example, fans watching a Champions League game or an NBA playoff final will see different billboard ads depending on where they’re watching from.

Replacing an international video live stream with a local video stream is a great way to provide regional marketing messages in a way that’s easy for publishers to promote in their video player.

16. Silent Videos And Subtitles Become The Default Format

With the rise of social media platforms like Instagram, videos have become a popular way for users to share their content. But there’s one major problem: hearing music swell in tandem with each scroll.

To combat this issue you’ll often see subtitles on these types or video posts so that even if someone isn’t paying close attention while browsing they can still understand what is happening. Most videos will have subtitles built into the content. This means people scrolling can watch the video and still understand the content and messaging – vastly increasing its watch rate.

17. Digital Billboards & Out Of House Video Advertising

Digital billboards have risen in popularity. Videos have been proven to consistently outperform static images in ads.

In 2023, expect to see more brands using video advertisements in places you’ve never seen before, especially out of the house and in public spaces. Companies like McDonalds, Coca Cola, Nike, etc. will continue to use them to reach consumers.

18. Live Streaming’s Popularity Continues To Grow

Live video streaming is becoming one of the most popular video formats. Brands are using video content to share behind-the-scenes footage, answer questions from their customers, and provide exclusive video content for customers that can’t attend their events.

The live streaming industry is believed to have reached $70 billion in 2021 and is predicted to hit $223.98 billion by 2028. 80% of live stream viewers would rather watch a stream from a brand than read a blog post.

Twitch, one of the biggest live streaming platforms, has 30 million daily visitors. The popularity of live video streaming is continuing to grow as more people are using it to watch sports, movies, and other forms of entertainment.

19. Interactive Augmented Reality Becomes More Accessible

Video marketers have been working hard to keep up with advancements in video formats and technology.

They can expect Augmented Reality (AR) videos which overlay digital objects onto real world surroundings, as well a more immersive experience through wearables like FitBits or Apple Watch’s heart monitor – all while being able consume content on-the go without having any interruption.

20. Brand Ambassador Videos Dominate Business Brand Content

Personal video content of regular people is far more engaging than video adverts. Video marketing will begin to evolve towards formats centred on real people, rather than ads for brands and products.

Brand ambassadors (people who are trusted by the consumer) will be used to promote brand messages through video, as these video formats resonate better with viewers.


There you have it, our 20 video marketing trends you must try out in 2023. Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to engage with your audience, but creating videos can be expensive and time-consuming.

Not only do you have to spend a lot of money on marketing video production equipment and software, but you also need to hire a video editor or learn how to use complex video editing software.

Viddyoze is an online video creation platform that lets you create marketing videos, without any prior experience or training, in just minutes.

Transform your video content marketing strategy by posting a new video to your social channels every single day.

Try Viddyoze right now for FREE. For a limited time only, we’re offering a 7-day free trial for all new customers.

You can sign up right now, create an unlimited amount of marketing videos and if you’re not happy for any reason, cancel before the trial ends and we won’t charge you a penny.

Follow this link to start your trial.

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